Magical Thoughts

Here’s a fun interview on WEEK-TV from some time back where I do some mental magic with my book, A Call to Magic.
The Magic of Transformation

The essence of “magic” is transformation , beginning first in the imagination and ultimately manifesting in the outer world of our everyday life. This is true regardless of the type of transformation. Personal transformation works the same as group transformation. We envision a different outcome, and then we move towards its realization. This is the […]
Great Conversation!

In case you missed it, I had a terrific, inspiring conversation with Teal Gray and Tui Snider on the Teal Gray Worldwide Radio program on Tuesday night. We talked about my book, about magic (both the performing kind, and the “magic of life” kind!), and got in-depth on the topics of inspiration, creativity, higher awareness, […]
Sharing Thoughts on TV
In case you missed it, here’s the Facebook video of my appearance on News 25 Today from earlier this morning. I share some thoughts with Garry and Gina, and even use my book, A Call to Magic!